Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Getting toward that time, where early60s is beginning to stretch things a bit.

First post of this new blog.  Still will continue over at early60s, because there's a few months left before early turns to mid.  And no, don't want to be one of those "foolish women" (Job, chapter 1) who LIES about their pathetic;/    Anyway, can post stuff over here that - even though early60s stats aren't much - at all...and frankly, there's better things to do with one's time than play kissy-kissy games to, basically, abuncha reprobates - gushing over abuncha witchiepoo foolishness.  

Like blogging, especially since, tapping a keyboard is easier on the fingers than holding a pen for any appreciable amount of time.  Maybe, when the weather turns warmer, but don't know - age is what it is.

Alls i know is obscurity (yeah, willie-bird) has it's advantages.  Number one:  there's a waay bigger probability of getting on the Lord's fighting side, as stats rise; something about multiplying words leads to sin.  And raising stats usually means - like 97.9% of the time - is like making breakfast cereal; taking an air-gun to tiny grains, then drowning the puff-balls in beet-sugar.  Anyway, the other advantage is: being that kancel-kulture is a smiling crocodile, why get too close.  Away from all that, i can post very, very unpopular stuff.

Godda roll.

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